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Copyright 2004 - 2009


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Have you ever wondered who our leaders will be in the year 2020?

The quality of our future leaders depends upon the experiences we are providing for today's children and youth. Leadership 2020 takes this challenge seriously and strives to create learning environments that engage minds and compel each child to reach his or her potential.

Leadership 2020 is more than a program or an organizational plan. Rather it is an attitude – a way of thinking about educating the next generation. It is based upon the premise that in this century everyone will need to function as leaders – in families and communities if not in business and government.

Effective leaders must know how to follow when it is appropriate; they do not use their position to justify feelings of false superiority. Rather than wait until natural leaders begin to emerge, Leadership 2020 believes that specific skills can be modeled and practiced in age-appropriate settings.

Neuroscience suggests that leadership skills are both innate and learned. As the genetic potential of the brain expresses itself in the environment, competencies and skills emerge which shape the future of an individual. Leadership 2020 is dedicated to helping educators use this knowledge to create comprehensive learning environments within which all learners can become competent citizens of the 21st century.



Current Projects
Leadership 101
Community Connections
It's About Time

Learning to Write Writing to Learn
